4 Common Mistakes in Real Estate Drone Photography in Seattle

Real estate photographers of any level make mistakes - it's okay, these mistakes serve as invaluable learning experiences about the intricacies of real estate drone photography in Seattle. Honing our skills is a vital element of development; in this article, let's discuss some common errors to avoid when conducting real estate drone photography.

Choosing an Inappropriate Lens:

One of the more frequent errors people make when selecting drone photography lenses is choosing an inappropriate lens. When making this selection, keep the following points in mind:

       Focal Length


       Zoom Vs Prime

When shooting indoors in tight quarters, a wide-angle zoom lens may be required; but for outdoor projects it may suffice with just regular camera lenses. All depending on your job requirements and nature of photography shoot.

Over Processing Images:

A frequent mistake made by photographers when editing real estate photographs is over-processing them and distorting reality with editing techniques. Always bear this in mind and consider photography, a creative form used to enhance pictures but should always represent reality accurately.

Meaning you must strike a balance between reality and imagination while not mislead the buyers of your property. Keep this in mind in order to avoid having any adverse impacts on prospective purchasers.

Your primary aim should be to create natural-looking pictures by using natural and warm tones instead of any shadowy and dull ones.

Crooked Lines:

An improperly leveled camera can create the appearance of crooked lines in each shot taken quickly. To solve this issue and reduce crookedness in your pictures, adjust your leveling such that no lines should be visible when taking shots.

Do you know the proper height of a camera stand is around five feet? Using a tripod will assist with line alignment issues and ensure everything is perfectly in line.

Avoid Overlooking Shot List Preparation:

Real estate photographers usually work within tight time constraints, and one effective way of making sure they meet these deadlines without overextending themselves is creating a list of the top real estate photos to capture the ideal shot.

Real estate drone photography in Seattle requires effort. However, you're sure to get the perfect shot using your drone within the designated time. Each property may present unique challenges.


Real estate photography requires constant practice and learning; even for professionals it should remain ever-evolving and constantly adaptable. Real estate drone photography in Seattle should also aim at avoiding mistakes to improve results and achieve optimal performance.

If you need advice about finding the best drone for photography in Seattle, Frenchessessaphotoco may have the right answer for you.


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